【会長】小島 誠二
【副会長】津川 智明
【事務局長】渡辺 千衣子
《会員数》 通常会員129名、維持会員3団体、夫婦会員4名、学生会員2名(2024年12月31日現在)
• 会報「ブータン」の発行
• 在日ブータン人との懇親・交流行事の開催
• 国際交流イベント等への参加
• ブータンの料理教室や国語勉強会の開催
• 来日ブータン要人歓迎会の開催
• ブータンについて学ぶ講演会の企画、開催
• ブータンへの親善旅行
• 募金運動
〒112-0013 東京都文京区音羽2-11-18-402
TEL&FAX: 03-3945-3396
Email: info@japan-bhutan.org
The Japan-Bhutan Friendship Association was founded in 1981, by KAWAKITA Jiro, KUWABARA Takeo, TOGO Fumihiko, NAKAO Sasuke, NAKANE Chie, and NISHIBORI Eizaburo (omitting titles, in Japanese alphabetical order), who had deep connection with Bhutan in various fields such as academic and foreign diplomacy.
Our Aim is to promote further friendly relationships between Japan and Bhutan with better mutual understanding of the peoples through private-level cultural exchanges.
[President] KOJIMA Seiji
[Vice President] TSUGAWA Tomoaki
[Secretary General] WATANABE Chiiko
Number of members: General members 129, Supporting members 3, Husband and Wife members 3, Student members 2 (31st December 2024)
Our activities:
• publication of quarterly bulletin Bhutan
• to organize parties and cultural exchange programmes between the Japanese and the Bhutanese in Japan
• to participate in international cultural exchange events
• to organize seminars for Bhutanese food, and language
• to host welcoming parties for important Bhutanese visiting Japan
• to organize lectures to learn Bhutan
• to organize goodwill visits
• to raise funds
※ we are doing lots of activities! DO Join us!!
The Japan-Bhutan Friendship Association
2-11-18-402 Otowa, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0013, Japan
Tel & Fax: +81-3-3945-3396
Email: info@japan-bhutan.org